What We Offer

Every business relies on its computer systems and data to operate. A computer failure, intrusion, or other disaster can STOP operations and initiate an expensive, time consuming process of getting back to, “business as usual.” To ensure business continuity and maintain a competitive edge, businesses should, first Protect and Secure their data and systems so they can be recovered quickly if needed, then investigate ways to improve Efficiency and cut costs in their IT Operations.

Our expert IT technicians help businesses like yours with:

Data Security

Today, businesses should have some level of external and internal Data Security protecting their IT Operation. Businesses that deal with private, proprietary, or compliance data may be required to install Data Security measures or potentially face non-compliance fines. Businesses know the value of protecting their IT Operations from security threats and that they can’t afford to be without Data Security. We provide affordable Data Security solutions designed to limit access to critical data from external or internal sources. Regardless of size, every business should investigate installing:
Network Security

Our It experts install award winning Network Security firewalls and load balancing equipment designed to protect and limit access to critical data and systems. Don’t leave the door to your private business data go unprotected, the consequences are damaging and costly.

IT Operations Security

We provide analysis, development, and installation of Security Policies designed to govern the use of and access to critical data by internal and external personnel. Not having adequate Security Policies is not acceptable in business today. Sound security measures and employee training go a long way toward keeping prying eyes away from the critical business data.

Data Protection

A single office with one or more computers or servers, or multiple offices either local or remote, all need their data protected so they can stay “up and running”. More importantly though, is knowing how to recover when a file is lost, or a computer dies, or there is a disaster. Depending on how your business is structured defines what Data Protection model will keep your business in business. We offer secure, tested, Backup/Recovery, Co-location, and Archive protection systems ranging from simple file protection to fully managed IT Infrastructure-as-a-Service.
Co-location / Failover Systems
All files, databases, apps, systems (recover to replacement equipment) plus data stored at a 2nd office or private data center for business continuity.
Archive Data Management
Archive of rarely used files and/or regulated retention email.

Data Efficiency

When an IT Operation is working, why consider using distributed computing? Because Virtual Computing, Infrastructure as a Service, Cloud storage, Software as a Service, and other distributed processing functions, can cut IT costs and improve productivity. For your next IT project, consider using one of our distributed processing tools as a way to capitalize on improved efficiency, productivity, and financials utilizing.
Virtual Computing / Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Virtual Computing and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) minimize the traditional expenses of computer ownership, space, electricity, air conditioning, and maintenance, so that your total cost of ownership (TCO) for a complete IT Operation is cut considerably. IaaS allows you to manage your business, while professionals manage the computers.
Cloud Storage
Cloud storage produces two benefits, efficient utilization of resources plus improved productivity. Cloud storage provides centralized storage, which allows business data to be shared by company employees (that need to know) regardless of their location. Collaborative use of information is a requirement for employees that may be in the home office, a remote office, around the global, or at home. Plus employees and businesses only need to store and backup data to a central location, creating better control and requiring fewer storage devices company wide.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Software, software licenses, software maintenance, and storage, are expenses (in both money and time) related to owning software. With Software as a Service (SaaS) you pay a fraction of those expenses to process your application programs. If a business can use SaaS to process an application it can save money. All applications may not be available as SaaS, but it’s worth the time to investigate the savings potential.

Contact Us

To speak with an IT expert about your concerns contact us by email at Info@eDataMgr.com.